How to use “は”and “が”?


These two sentences seems same meaning, but actually there are a bit differences. Can you find out that?

Both of sentences means “I am a CEO”, but the situation of using this phrase is a bit different. For example, if you want to introduce yourself to the others, you should say 「わたし社長です」.That meaning is close to “I run my own company”. On the other hand, when someone asked where the CEO is, you should say 「わたし社長です 」,which means “CEO is me(Not anybody else).“

If you are Japanese learner, I guess you’ve already known the difficulties of using particle「は」and「が」. It’s difficult to choose one of the particle when you make sentences, and if you misuse the particle, the nuances of sentence could be changed slightly.

I’m so confusing right now.

I don’t wanna learn Japanese anymore…

Don’t cry! If you understand the rules of particle, you can get a great confidence with your Japanese!

So, let’s get started to learn how to use 「は」and「が」right now !!

Grammar from みんなの日本語

Before we learn the detail rules, let’s see some basic grammars which have relationships with「は」and「が」from みんなの日本語 at a glance. Because the explanation of use of these particles are quite complicated, and it could be easier to memorize by patterns for some people.

(But this is just the summary and I won’t explain in detail about the grammar. If you have not studied these grammars, please skip to the detail rules.)


Some verbs and adjectives are basically used with , such us あります,います,好きです,嫌いです,上手です,下手です,わかります,欲しいです,〜たいです.

eg. 机あります。猫います。りんご好きです。バナナ嫌いです。スポーツ上手です。カラオケ下手です。日本語わかります。車欲しいです。水飲みたいです

These vocabularies have came up in Lesson 9, 10, and 13 of みんなの日本語!


When you describe something with “自動詞(intransitive verbs)+ています”, you need to put  before the verb.

eg. ドア開いています。電気付いています。道混んでいます。お腹すいています。



When you describe something which is the result of a past action done by someone for a particular purpose, you should use “他動詞+てあります”with .

eg. エアコンつけてあります。ドア閉めてあります。部屋掃除してあります。ごはん作ってあります。


④Topic は〜

is used as a topic marker in a sentence. Let’s see the example sentence.

eg1.A: あれ、佐藤さんがいないですね。

  B: 佐藤さん今日休みですよ。

In this sentence, A get started to talk about 佐藤さん. So, the topic of this sentence is 佐藤さん for sure. And in this situation, B’s response should be “佐藤さん今日休みです“.

Although “佐藤さん今日休みです” is not grammatical mistake, that reply is unnatural for native speaker. When you talk about the topic that has already came up in the conversation, you should use 「は」after the topic. Let’s see other sentences and build a better understanding of this usage.


eg3. 日本語を勉強しているんですか。ーえぇ、日本語おもしろいですよ。

eg4. そのペン、きれいですね。ーありがとう。このペン父にもらったんですよ。

⑤compare の「は」

When you compare something, you need to use like below sentences.



eg3. 英語よくわかりますが、中国語全然わかりません。

⑥Noun1 は Noun2 がadjective

When both of the subject and the theme are included in one sentence, you must say “〜は〜が〜です”.


*You cannot use 「は」twice in this sentence, such us “ゾウ長いです“.

These are the summary of the basic grammar which have relationship with は and が from みんなの日本語.

I didn’t realized that I’ve already studied many usage of は and が in みんなの日本語.

Yeah, that’s why みんなの日本語 is a good textbook. But if you want to learn gramatical pattern of these particle in more detail, let’s go to the next!

The differences between は and が

When you think about the usage of は and が, you need to see the sentence from several perspectives. Let’s take it one step at a time.

🟢The rules based on information

Is the subject new information or not?

is used when you are giving a new information in a sentence, while is used with the information which the listener has already known.

It means… (New information) 〜。/(Given information) 〜。

eg1. あそこにおじいさん歩いています。おじいさん犬の散歩をしています。

eg2. Bernスイスの首都です。Bern美しい街です。

eg3. 新しいカフェできました。カフェ新宿にあります。

Which part do you want to say the most?

One of the most useful way to find out which particle you need to use in a sentence is making it clear that which part do you want to emphasize. When you want to emphasize the second half of sentence, you should use , while when you want to emphasize the first half of sentence, you should use .

It means… ☆は★です。/★が☆です * ★is the part emphasized

eg1.お名前は何ですか。  ー私加藤です


eg2. この猫隣の家の猫です



Taylor Swift 渋谷で買い物をしています。

This is easy to understand for me ×D

Yeah! Besides, it also can be said that you should use「when you want to emphasize the person taking action.

eg4. 部屋を掃除しましたか。 ー掃除しましたよ。

Do you want to compare two things, or emphasize just one thing?

is used when you compare something two things. On the other hands, is used to makes one thing stand out.



eg3.この犬かわいいです。(This dog is cute, not other else.)

eg4.このコーヒー美味しいですよ。(This coffee is good, not other else.)



This usage of が is completely new to me!!

🟢The rule of sentence structure

Is the subject included in the subordinate clause or not?

If the subject is included in the subordinate clause, you need to put after the subjects . But if it isn’t included, you should use after the subject. Let’s see examples.

When the old man left home, shibaken was sleeping.

/おじいさん 家を出る時、鍵をかけませんでした。
The old man didn’t lock the door when he left the house.

My mother will resign her job after my little brother graduate from university.

/弟 大学を卒業したら、東京に引っ越します。
My little brother will move to Tokyo after he graduate from university.

These are representative subordinate clauses.





🟢The rule based on sentence characteristic

Is that general perception and characteristic? Or is it just the phenomenon you observed?

Here is a bit confusing part. Firstly, the sentence that expresses the phenomenon as it is without adding the subjective judgment of the speaker is called “phenomenon sentence, and the subject of the phenomenon sentence is attached with 「」.

eg1. 机あります。

eg2. 窓開いています。

eg3. 子供勉強しています。

On the other hand, the sentence that the speaker expresses by adding subjective judgment to the phenomenon is called “judgment sentence, and the subject of the judgment sentence is 「」.

eg1. 日本語難しいです。

eg2. このパソコン壊れているようです。

eg3. あのメガネきっと高いでしょう。

Additionally, judgment sentence include the sentence that is about a general theory and attribute as well.

eg1. 日本で1番人が多いところ東京です。

eg2. USJ大阪にあります。

eg3. 父50歳です。


Hey, wake up

In other word, a temporary phenomenon is putted into words in the phenomenon sentence, while a subjective judgement, general theory and attribute are stated in a judgement sentence.

temporary phenomenon :
subjective judgement, general theory and attribute :

eg1. 今日は空暗い。/夏の空青い。
(temporary phenomenon/general theory)

(temporary phenomenon/subjective judgement)

eg3. おじいちゃん外で歩いている。/私のおじいちゃん70歳だ。
(temporary phenomenon/attributes of person)

eg4. ピカソの絵飾ってある。/ピカソの絵有名だ。
(temporary phenomenon/general theory)

eg5. 電車混んでいる。/この時間の電車いつも混んでいる。
(temporary phenomenon/general theory)

eg6. あ、子供転んだ。/子供よく転ぶ。
(temporary phenomenon/general theory)

So, adjectives are usually used with because adjectives mainly represent subjective judgement or general attribute. For example,「このパンはおいしいです」「富士山は有名です」.

Mm…I see.

🔵Sometimes「が」is used for indicate the object with specific verb and adjective

Lastly, please note that has a function as an indicator of object. This function only works with the specific verbs or adjectives, such as 好き, 嫌い, あります, います.

eg. 寿司好きです。納豆嫌いです。時間あります。犬います。料理上手です。歌下手です。英語わかります。時計欲しいです。海見えます。鳥の声聞こえます。新しい店できます。時間かかります。お金要ります

This is all about は and が.

Whew, finally …!! Now, I’m a は&が master!

Great!! But, even if you understand the theory, it can still be difficult to use them in real conversation. The important thing is, trying to talk in Japanese again and again.Keep it up!

